This is an 8 week- 90 -minute Zoom call offering. Value to Value using the lightning QR code if you feel called to offer value for what you gained. This is a new cycle that Starts on Thursday April 25, 2024 and runs through June 20, 2024.
The focus being on nourishing, developing and expanding our individual unique capacity with softness and fluidity. This allows each individual’s unique contribution to be felt through the heart connection in order to expand the morphic field amongst us.
Each meeting has a central theme with a flexible approach to help ease into the new cycle of building a new way foward. The power of the group calls builds a web where we contribute different experiences shared in conversation afterwards.
When signing up we ask you to please arrive on time. The usual Zoom etiquette with consideration such as all participants video’s on, etc. We’ll set a sacred container for our shared time. Once that’s set we’ll close the door. (Late comers can still join 10 minutes into the start.Thereafter the Zoom entry will be closed.)
Enrollment for this program is minimum of 6 to maximum of 10 participants.
Looking forward to magnify our co created gidts together. Annemarie
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