The birth of Sahrlight's space clearing and enhancing sprays

Today, there are nine energy sprays to help you navigate the new way forward in fulfilling ways.

It is at Omega Institute where 7 of the 9 energy space-enhancing sprays were created.

Creating these space clearing sprays was an amazing fun experience.

When I traveled to Egypt in 2014 I brought back a few cold-pressed essential oils for personal use. 

Shortly after my return from Egypt, I ended up at Omega Institute, where I began teaching a class about the benefits of using flower vibrations.

It wasn’t planned, it just happened, and when things happen that way it’s hard to describe the magic one experiences on a personal level.

People taking the classes wanted to experience the energy, but intake wasn’t possible.

So I thought out of the box and suggested I create energy blends in order to spray energy into the classroom.

It turns out that the cold-pressed oils I had brought from Egypt were perfect in combination with the higher vibe of flower essences I was producing.

I began the process of blending the essences with cold-pressed essential oils.

The alchemical transformation offered encouragement each time an individual needed a nudge, pulling it all together for clarity.  ‘Clearing’ was the first blend born.

Today, there are nine energy sprays to help you navigate the new way forward in fulfilling ways.

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at peace

Helps to create a peaceful space that subtly offers stress relief, making it a recommended enhancer for a peaceful inner sanctuary.


Clear your space on deeper subtle levels, bringing clarity prior to choosing the best option available for the next step forward.


Open up to create your own new horizon tapping into the full expression of your creative gifts.


Be in a safe space by using this blend – and sink into your inner heart space with ease so positive uplifting insights can emerge.

I am love

This divine space-enhancing blend is for opening new levels of consciousness. It allows the transformations of misaligned …


Helps one respond to the changes in the environment in a balanced and resourceful manner.


Serves as a compass, offering support in one’s direction. Letting go made easy as you go through challenging times.

borne free

Essential in re-ordering the energy system for new ways of adapting. Bring supportive encouragement into the space …


When major choices ask for a push of confidence. Here is a trust builder that lifts any doubts so you will not settle for less.


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