Go beyond, be receptive, for this is how change in the universe occurs.

A session with flowers will help discover, strengthen and support your core values. 

During a flower energy session, you will be taken into the depth of your unique blueprint. You’ll begin reaching deeper within and feel into uncharted territory, while the process is supported with the vibration of flowers to help further your evolution.

book session

Deepen your personal conscious evolution

Annemarie is an integrative vibrational intuitive who holds a container from where it is safe to feel inwards into exploring your inner knowing.

Through her powerful gift with nature, she provides you with tools that assist with personal transformation that open a natural flow into an expansive new direction.

She reflects your own wisdom and inner guidance back to you while using flowers as a mirror.

This deepens the connection to your higher selves, so you may truly embody your purpose on the planet.

When clearing our personal space, we create room to invite something new into our lives. It is important to be clear about what we are inviting into the space.
Set your intentions and manifest the highest and most loving good for you and the occupants of the space you are enhancing.

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A Positive Environment

When we make changes in our lives our environment too begins to shift. Check out the energy blends in the Shop for additional support to energetically enhance and harmonize your surroundings.

May they assist your journey to stay balanced and grounded in order to make it easier to adjust to the larger whole.


I worked with Annemarie during the pandemic and found immeasurable solace in our sessions. Through her work and her flower essences, obstacles and patterns from childhood, that were fixed and keeping my spirits dampened and weighed down were dissolved. I now process experiences in a compassionate and heart centered way. Not always emotion but so much light is illuminating my way. The work with Annemarie is subtle and graceful, just like the flowers that come forth in sessions to elucidate the wisdom that is bubbling forth. In a recent session, Annemarie was able to coalesce my dreams, signs and messages and to connect the dots in a way that was understood in a deeper way, by passing the mind. She translates from a wise place and brings clarity that resonates in one’s subtle bodies. I am so grateful to be free from the constraints of old habits and ready to embrace the new! Thank you, Annemarie Sahrlight! With gratitude and love. – Susan Malfitano

Annemarie is a brilliant, flower-loving intuitive. She walks her talk! We truly are blessed to have her doing this work! What she is offering with her work is so much more than she would ever mention or that she advertises. It’s easy to understand if you’ve ever tried to sell your own personal work… Working with Annemarie is definitely a partnership as with any form of therapy. You have to be willing to do the work, AND you need to be open to allowing someone else into your ‘field’. However, she has quite a bit of an advantage than a typical therapist – the flowers speak to her. So, not only do you have a human devoted to your highest good and growth, but you have the help of so many flowers!! It is such a treat!! During our sessions, I often resonate with just about everything that comes up, and if there’s something that doesn’t resonate, it just needs a little bit of a reframe and then it ends up being true! I leave our sessions often feeling so expansive, knowing more of my self than I did before our session, and full of hope and excitement for what was revealed, cleared, and/or integrated. I started off with one session here and another there, only to find that I love sessions with her and I get so much out of them, that I now meet with her weekly! I cannot emphasis enough how much Annemarie has helped with my growth!! And many times it is a LOT of fun!! – Cristina Laskar, LunasHerbals

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